Our Story

Money Hunny is female owned and currently just a one (cis) woman show!! We (my daughter and I) strive to create a community that seeks to represent and celebrate the individual identities held specifically by members of the pole dance, burlesque and drag communities. We believe that representation matters. And as a "civilian" poler myself, I know that the products out there for these communities have not historically allowed for all individuals to feel seen. Pole dancers, S/workers and other performers, come in various shapes, sizes, colors, genders, personalities, etc. We do not all identify with the clip art silhouette of the female pole dancer. Money Hunny seeks to fill that gap in providing a space to celebrate ourselves, to see ourselves in the designs. We worship all body types, we will include the beauty of the BIPOC community, and we will be inclusive to a range of gender identities. All individuals deserve to be named, known, seen and loved.

We do not use professional "models" as our models... although all of them could be!! Our drop dead gorgeous Hunnies featured on our site and our social media are actual amateur pole dancers, club dancers, Sworkers, burlesque performers, or drag kings / queens in our community. Many of the Hunnies that will be featured are my badass friends that were my inspiration behind starting this brand to begin with!


Money Hunny gives to Project HEAL- $1 of every order

We understand the true struggle of living with an eating disorder. My exquisite daughter has been on her courageous fight (and winning) for several years. During this time, we have learned the crucial necessity of support from both mental health professionals as well as medical physicians. And while we were fortunate enough to have access to these resources, we know that others are not as lucky. Knowing this, with every purchase you make we are proud to donate $1 to Project HEAL.

Project HEAL is a nonprofit organization in the U.S. focused on equitable treatment access for eating disorders. The organization's mission is to break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers to eating disorder treatment. The organization's vision is that everyone with an eating disorder has the resources and opportunities they need to recover.

Project HEAL also acknowledges and is striving to create change in the disparate treatment for eating disorders provided to marginalized sections of the eating disorder population such as members of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities.

For more information on Project HEAL or to donate, visit them at www.theprojectheal.org.